Cleaning Equipment Specialists

Micro Kill

Micro Kill

Price: £24.93 + vat​

  • Remove and absorb any excess spillages or contamination.
  • Dilute 25ml per litre of water for HIV, Hepititis C MRSA or food poisoning bacteria
  • For protection against Swine flu and C.Diff Dilute 100ml per litre of water
  • Spray mop or wipe onto areas and air dry
  • If cleaning is required re-disinfect once clean 

Micro Kill 5 Ltr

Micro Kill is a certified virucidal, bactericidal and yeasticidal cleaner. Micro Kill sanitises all water washable surfaces, including; carpets, upholstery and soft furnishings, hard surfaces, walls, floors, toilets and washrooms etc.  Micro Kill is bleach free and non-hazardous.

This reformulated product kills: Swine Flu, HIV, Hepatitis C, MRSA, Clostridium Difficile (C. Diff), Common food poisoning bacteria, mould, mildew, fungi, yeast. On test, this product passes: EN1276, EN14476 and EN1650

​Dilution Rate: 1:10 to 1:200. pH 10

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